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Angela Hanna

Hi, my name is Angela and I am a Certified, Experienced Emotion Code & Body Code Practitioner at Integrated Energy Wellness.

My passion has always been to help others attain their highest potential. In 2012 after attending my first Emotion Code Seminar by Dr. Bradley Nelson author of the Emotion Code and creator of the Emotion Code and the Body Code Modalities, I received my calling to make this work the focus of my life. I was guided to become certified in both modalities and achieved both certifications within a year. For over 10 years now I have worked full time with countless clients from every corner of the world mostly through Skype. I feel blessed to witness life changing results on a daily basis.

The Emotion and Body Code are energetic healing modalities that through the age old method of muscle testing or kinesiology are able to quickly and efficiently detect the root cause of physical, mental and emotional imbalances which in turn often produce a state of dis-ease. Once found the imbalances, or trapped emotions, are quickly released and/or corrected. Once the energetic blockages are removed, the flow can resume undisturbed and the body can now regain homeostasis even at the cellular level. In essence the body heals itself! These Alternative healing modalities are completely safe and non-invasive and produce quick and long lasting results since they do not mask the issue at hand but get right down the causative factors.  

Angela Hanna, CECP, CBCP, D.PSc (Diplomat of Pastorial Sciences) 
I am a Verified Health Practictioner under the Pastoral Medical Association

My Articles at Healers Library

Dr. Bradley Nelson and Me


" I want you to know how grateful I am for your work.  My sister is very aware of the Emotion and Body Code work and was thrilled that I was going to have a session with you. Some time after the Heart Wall Clearing I had a phone conversation with her and she asked how I was, and what has been the results/changes.  I told her I didn't have any big  changes, cleanses etc. And then it hit me!!! I was no longer experiencing heart palpitations , dis- arhythmia, elephant foot on the chest, panic attacks and more.  They just did not happen any more. This has been huge, and I share your work often in my sessions.

Thank you for the wonderful energy work you do.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      - Nikki   L

"Angela Hanna is the best practitioner I ever had. She's my 5th practitioner and so far, I'm very impressed and satisfied with all of my sessions with her. She's very intuitive, and not limited to certain number of emotions, imbalances that my body can release. I'm so thankful for her for accommodating my urgent request even in a short notice. And after that emergency session I felt so much better and was able to go on our planned vacation with my husband. She was able to locate, release and closed a portal in our home where spirits, entities and other beings go in and out. No wonder every time me and my husband had a sessions with her, there's always presence of entities, etc in her results. I thank God for meeting you and helping me to become a better person."

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              - Jocelyn T



 " Angela, the work that you did on my son was nothing short of incredible. When he came home yesterday afternoon he sounded like a different person. He sounded more happy, more hopeful. What a complete change.  I am so relieved. Thank you!!


" Thank you so much Angela, the work you did on ( ****) did absolute wonders.  She expressed herself very calmly this afternoon and was proud of herself. And also said to me - mom, i've been waiting patiently, can you help me now? "



 "My experience with Angela was amazing. I did already some energy work in the past, but with her, the work was really concrete.I was able to understand why I could'nt succeed in some areas of my life. She is really professional and she gives clear explanations about what's going on in the session. With Angela's method, you will discover why you could not live the life you dream and most important how to release emotional and behavioral disorders. Thank you Angela for your generosity. "

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       - Roseline S

   "Angela gives always 100 % during the session, is very gentle and non judgmental in her approach. She is professional, compassionate, a good listener and respectful. She has found her path, and she gives it all to her client. If you feel ready to let go, to release old energies that do not serve you anymore, Angela is for you. "


I loved my session. I was in awe of how you just kept the session flowing. Tonight on HOW 3 of us had talked about our sessions with you, ears should have been burning, ha ha. Thanks so much for your gracious offer to work with us. I definitely want to do another session as soon as I get things up that you suggested. Love and gratitude.


   "After my Heart Wall, I literally feel like my heart chakra is alive and breathing. Angela’s accuracy in sleuthing for the when, hows, whys comes with an immense care to detail. She never loses sight that this is your healing and no stone is to be left unturned. Even my children, affected by the same psychic trauma were cleared. The Emotion/Body Code is a work of art in Angela's care and expertise. I feel very safe, knowing I can whole heartedly trust her work in removing the shadows and questions I have had for so long, the ones no-one seemed to pick up on or couldn’t clear successfully. I am encouraged and empowered knowing that once cleared these trapped emotions don’t come back. Now that is something to get behind."

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   - Karen R          

 "Angela has helped lift my burdens when truly down,making way for better emotional well being when it really counted.She put this high level of care as a top priority and unconditionally. This has allowed other areas of my life to improve as a result!  A rare quality indeed!"

                                                                                                                                                                                                             - Steve K                

 " I met Angela during a Health and Education retreat this spring.  I was blessed to spend some time with Angela, her loving gentle spirit radiates from her. My personal experience with Angela during a Heart Wall clearing was amazing, she explained everything as we went along and checked in with me regularly during the session. All my love, "

                                                                                                                                                                                                  -Pamela M

 "Angela has the most compassionate and beautiful energy of all of the various holistic health practitioner's I have ever met! Despite being a Body Code practitioner myself I still prefer doing my self-care with Angela. Angela's ability to zone in with her attentive and thorough senses are phenomenal. There have been times where I haven't been able to voice the imbalance in my system and Angela was able to not only identify it but also release it from my being, I am utterly grateful to have met and befriended this earth angel. Angela's mind for using this modality is unlike anyone I've known coupled with the laughs and unconditional love, Angela is a one of a kind holistic health practitioner whom I very highly recommend."

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          - Amanda D

"On contacting Angela she immediately put me at ease,she worked on the heart wall first, l was surprised at how many emotional blocks l had one by one we work through them. After each session l was very tired but after 2-3 days l could really feel the benifit and felt lighter. She was able to align my spine after that l really felt good and was able to sleep better. She also gave good supplement advice, l would certainly recommend her to others and have done so."

- Dorothy


"Angela has been working with my mother and I am very pleased with the results. She is always there to help during her health challenges and I can see the progress that my mother makes."

- Ravinder

" For approximately the past 8 years I have not been able to raise my left arm up beyond my shoulder.  When I  would attempt to stretch my arm, my muscles would lock and I could not go any further.  The pain in this arm ran down the outside of my upper arm down the forearm then down to my writst.  Just touching any part of the outside of my arm was painful. I would rub the arm to get some relief but the inability to raise the arm never changed.  During my session today with Angela she found this area of my body to be a concern.  I am not sure exactly what she did but I am very sure of my body's reaction.   Within moments of her completing her release she had me slowly try and raise my arm.  I lifted my left arm and to my amazement I once again had full range with this arm.  Without hesitation I was able to stretch my left arm over my head and actually grab my right ear.  Angela, you never cease to amaze me at your ability to not only find the problem but correct it.  This was absolutely incredible!  "      

                                                                                                                                                                                                            -Joan C

"  I have worked with Angela for four months now.  So much has changed, and so thoroughly, that it's hard now to remember how deep, desperate, and pervasive the pain was, and how much it had been controlling my life.  So grateful that Angela's work has not only noticeably freed and blessed me physically, emotionally and spiritually, but also generationally.  What a thrill it has been to see these changes unfold.  Even Kitty, newly adopted, has experienced a fresh start in life, and what a perceptibly happy difference this has made in her.  Angela is safe, compassionate, methodical, inspired, highly intuitive, courageous, and accurate in the beautiful work she does. I would recommend her highly."        

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 - L.

" I started researching the sulfur connection with different foods and found some very interesting things.Basically, onions and all dried fruit are out. Sulfur intolerance is a real thing, and it causes all of the symptoms that I have had. Amazing that you found this so quickly. The night that I had my spleen act up, I had eaten a raw kale and broccoli salad with dried cherries for lunch! "

"Angela performed the Emotion Code on me in February 2013. She found my vulnerabilities, rejections, guilt, and heartache. She found my Heartwall and an imbalanced Chakra. Most importantly, she found a 'Saboteur' and removed it. She balanced me, reconnected my spirit for healing, and shielded me from negativity. In response, my body, mind, and soul has experienced a refreshment. My mind is clearer and sharper, I'm able to keep negativity from upsetting me, and I have released a lot of guilt. I recommend Angela for any Emotion Code work."

- Debra M

  " Soon after you released my Heart Wall, I was able to leave an unhealthy long-term relationship. This opened my eyes to many opportunities in life. A couple of months later I found the love of my life, travelled to destinations I never thought I'd travel to and now I am furthering my education to enhance my career.  My life is so much better because of your work Angela!" 

                                                                                                                                                                                     -Lauren F

" I feel so much better!! Thank you and thank you for taking time ou of your Sunday/day off to help me! You are greatly appreciated! "

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - Amy L

" Angela, thank you so much for the business clearing. You are quite talented at what you do. I am building my business and your help was indispensible. I feel so much more confident now after so many false beliefs about money were cleared. The interesting thing is that the majority of them were just absorbed from my parents during my childhood.  So grateful to have found you!! "

Anonymous- from a newly certified Body Code practitioner.


   "My mortgage business is booming. Overwhelmed. Looking to hire an assistant to delegate and systematize. My goal to reach 25 mil in volume (I did 2,5 mil in 2014) and $200,000 in mortgage commission (I did 18 k in 2014 for my first year) is doable.On Thursday I received a call from my ad on kijiji or craigslist. I met the client on Saturday and he needs to refinance 2 homes - which I can do within 2 weeks: total net commission: $16,000. One phone call!

Thank you Angela. I believe you helped me unblock something that was preventing me from helping more people. “

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       - Laure A

  "Dearest Ms. Angela Thanks a ton for all the healing done for the three of us. I've not felt this light in my left leg since years !! Mums also very happy, she says the stomach feels so much better, no more heaviness around the abdomen :)) I can't thank you enough, very very grateful, May God bless you and your family with the best of health and happiness always! "

                                                                                                                                                                                       - Anonymous

  "Thanks Angela, I definitely feel a 1000x better. Thanks a million times for your help. It was so unsettling and I was full of anger and I could not put a finger on it."

                                                                                                                                                                            - AB

"Through a friend of friend I came across Angela Hanna of Integrated Energy Wellness. The techniques she is using is quite unique (and I really want to learn it myself!) that gets to the root of blocked emotions, trapped emotions, emotional resonance, trauma's and a list of other words as well. I was quite fascinated when she would locate an emotion, discover the approximate age that it occurred, what that emotion was and/or from whom or for what reason and then be able to release it. I am so grateful to have her in my life. She is kind, loving, honest, knowledgeable and to the point AND will work with you no matter where you are on the globe. It is a joy working with her and I would encourage anyone that would also like to FINALLY get rid of all that little nit-picky stuff to please contact her directly and see what she can assist you with."

- Allison

 "Angela is excellent at her craft! She gets right to the point and hits the mark every time! I can't wait until our next session! "  

                                                                                                                                                                                              - Eileen D


" Angela Hanna is a highly intuitive and well skilled healer with a natural ability to unearth and release imbalances and wounds.  My family has enjoyed Angela's services for years now and we cannot imagine working with anyone else! Angela's kindness , compassion and dedication are a real gift  and her skills are the absolute cherry on top. You're in good hands! "


" Angela has been incredibly intuitive in her work relieving my sons ( 1 and 3 ) of a variety of inherited emtions, experiences and fears. The difference in their emotional state before and after the sessions has been nothing short of astounding and is giving me , their mother much relief.  They are more grounded and very obsiously feel much safer to love, to play, to be."

                                                                                                                                                                                                      - Sophia T



    “  I didn’t know what to expect from my first session. All I know is that I had a broken heart that was physically painful and that after the session, I was relieved from that pain! Angela also removed my heart wall and cleared other blockages preventing me from experiencing true love. I’ve seen improvement in the way people treat me after removing negative broadcasts I was unconsciously sending. I keep working with Angela to clear health and business issues. I know this work is real because of the impact it has in my life. My last session relieved me from my back pain and I literally felt lighter and freer. My friend noticed I was glowing. All this thanks to the amazing work of Angela! I am forever grateful.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     _ Chantal Michelle, Vancouver, Canada





  " It's only been I few days since my first treatment and I already feel lighter in my mind, body and soul. I was praying for someone to help me clear a few emotional and physical blocks and she appeared in my life. I am already looking forward to my next sessions with her. I am also a singer and while practicing my songs this week, my voice was really more opened. Thank you! "                                                                                                                                                                                       – Cindy   B       

"Angela has worked on several issues with myself with positive results. She is truly gifted and extremely compassionate and dedicated in her field of energy wellness and healing. I recommend her highly to all looking for life changing results."

- Tony


"After the body code session i was truly surprised. Due to the pain on my lower back getting up was difficult. After the session pain was mild and next morning getting up was easier and no pain at all. To be honest reading and understanding is different from the actual experience. It is indeed a miracle. You did not waste time and fully utilised the time to help me out to the max. Sincerely thank you for the beautiful healing experience."

- Maheshwari

" I have been an entrepreneur for over four years. Last year was an incredibly difficult time for the business, with projects falling through consistently. I was running out of options.
After just two session with Angela, we received an amazing mandate, with several other projects resurfacing. This has erased any doubt I had pursuing my entrepreneurial vision. For the first time in a long time I am seeing real growth in my business, and I look forward to what the future holds. "
~ J.M

"Today's session made a big impact on me - thankyou!

I lay down afterwards to assist processing, and I could feel the energy swirling around in my body, particularly calves and feet."

  "    Like any parent, I was concerned about my child's well being at Day Care. I had concerns because what the Daycare was reporting was not consistent with the child I was seeing at home. The staff at the Daycare reported that my child was reserved and was not talking; she wouldn't even ask for water during the day.  At home she was a different child, she was outgoing, talking in short phrases and seeking us out. I asked Angela to work with her in hopes that we would figure out what was holding her back. Angela was not only able to find the Memory Field and target emotions that my child was experiencing but was able to clear these blocks as well. Soon after Angela's work, the Daycare staff began noticing a huge change; she was talking, running to see her teachers and seemed geniunely happy to be there. They all noted that she was a " different child". It was amazing to see and I am truly very thankful for Angela's work."

                                                                                                                                                                       - Sapna.


"Working with Angela through the Body Code and the Heart Wall Elimination, has been an amazing experience. Angela is professional, extremely knowledgeable and highly insightful. Following my treatments, I felt a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and noticed many positive changes with a very difficult relationship. Angela, you are incredible at what you do and I hope many more people get to experience this process with you."

- Anna-Maria


"I had many sessions with Angela through Skype. She is a very caring and loving lady that asks all the right questions as to how and where i was at and what i needed help with my health. She released a lot of TE, and helped with my losing weight and getting my energy back. i highly recommend Angela, you will be very satisfied with her services."

- Rachelle

  "I have worked with Angela, on and off, for almost a year. She has absolutely changed my life and the way I think about myself and the world around me. The biggest breakthrough was when she uncovered a childhood issue that my body had always known about. I would normally 'freeze', when touched in any way and disconnect from my body. When she cleared it, I could see the effect instantly, when my boyfriend stroked my shoulder in the evening and I did not jump or shout at him. This is the first time that someone has given me access to my body and it feels amazing to be present and to feel it, instead of always living in my head. We also worked on confidence and I feel like I have been born again. I have the right to be and I have the right to receive attention and love. This is visible at work, when I am feeling more confident and not taking any nonsense from people. I can ask for help when stuck, and I can express my viewpoint at a meeting without anxiety taking over. We have worked through the chakras and healed many a trauma from the different stages in my life. It feels like I have finally arrived at my destination - in the sense of striving but never arriving. At last I feel like a complete person in the right place at the right time in the right body . Angela, you are a life-changer and thank you for the amazing changes."


                                                                                                                                                                                                                      AC (Poland/ UK)

 "As usual with Angela we went straight to business and she located the issues straight away, guided by her very efficient techniques. In an hour we had time to treat 3 family members, who reported feeling the positive effect straight away. So happy we bought a 10 sessions package."

                                                                                                                                                                                            - Jerome  J.

  " I cannot believe how clear the energy is in this apartment and  in me and  (*********),

wow what a blessing the session was. I didn't realize how much I've been struggling in this  space. You are such a blessing thank you"


 " Thank you Angela before the session I had huge brainfog and pressure around my head. I feel better now thank you xxx "

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           - N.R


  My 96 year Father, who has dementia, fell last night. Angela Hanna completed a session on him . Thankful for gifted healers. ( this testimonial is from a fellow Body Code practitioner)



"I had met Angela at one of the conferences for Emotion Codes weekends. She came all the way from Canada to Henderson NC. All I could say was wow, she is very dedicated to learning this. We sat together and became partners in practicing. I right away felt very relaxed, and knew that she was a person who was easy to be with, very compassionate and caring person. She decided to move forward with becoming a practitioner of the Emotion Code. We kept in touch during her practice time and Angela worked on me from distance. I have a knee that was hurt many years ago. Since I started to work out more my knee was starting to hurt and go out of joint. I asked Angela if she could work on it several times. I have no problems now, only once in a while will it give me a little tinge or go out of joint..but since then I really feel that I don't have to worry and even think about it. Thank you Angela!!! Emotion Code is a wonderful, exciting, experience...if everyone could try this, I truly feel we would have a total change. It starts with us, one at a time. Emotion code will help facilitate this."

- Brenda T

 "Thanks so much for the healing session and the report.  I feel like something has lifted from me and feel relief and connected."  


"Angela's work isn't just for the short time of the therapy. It is forever life changing - mind, body, and soul. I had long suffered through some very emotional and physical problems. We worked through them together and her approach was consistently caring and knowledgeable. Even after the appointments were completed, I feel like Angela has become a life-long friend for whom I will forever be grateful."

- Kenea


"i consulted Angela Hannah because i had read about the Emotion Code and i felt she would be the right kiind of practitioner for my issues. She was very professional and helpful. She did the elimination of the heart wall after realeasing certain blocked emotion and i did feel a difference after that. I would use her services again if if needed it again."

- Solange

  "  First session; Angela is an angel with clarity, compassion and totally there with me. I feel lighter, consciousness expanded. Glad I have more sessions to delve deeper and release. When I see others around me in debilitating conditions, I feel so fortunate H.S. guided me to Angela.  I thank Angela & Source working through her."


"I found Angela's work with the Emotion Code and the Heart Wall amazing! I was dealing with anxiety, fear, pain and exhaustion. After Angela's work I was able to attend my son's graduation without one episode of anxiety and I somehow found the energy to run around for five days keeping up with the events for the week of his graduation! I also go most days now without a nap. Trusting and allowing the healing was an important part of the process, Angela was a wonderful guide through it all, showing much love and support. I recommend if you are having problems with fear, anxiety, pain, stress, or anger to give the Emotion Code a try. I feel it helped me to ascend to my next level and it has helped me to live a more productive life. I am so grateful for Angela and the work she does! Much love Angela!!! I truly feel you have helped me so much."

- Angel M

 If you still have NOT booked a business/Body Code consultation with Angela Hanna, do so IMMEDIATELY. If you are driving a car, pull over…get out your smart phone…and book it NOW. If you are about to do yoga, wait. Get out your cell phone…and book your session NOW.


I had my "business strategy" consultation this morning. It was all of that, and so much more! This session has already impacted me deeply…and will have ripple effects for the rest of my life. For many years I have had some life challenges on my plate. I ALWAYS knew something didn't add up, was awry. Today many of those mysteries were solved and resolved. I feel much lighter, much more peaceful. And now I KNOW that I am free to move forward with my business, and more importantly, my life.

Thank you, Angela Hanna, for sharing your gifts with me and so many others. I am very grateful and blessed!

                                                                                                                                                                         M.H. ( Body Code Practitioner)

  "As a direct result of Angela, I am now able to work from my home office without being "emotionally hijacked" by the lingering energy left behind of others. Our space is now filled with a sense of spaciousness and not of suppression. Thank you Angela for using your gifts to change lives......"

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       - Helga K


"  The Heart Wall Elimination sessions helped remove some of the insecurities I had about myself. It showed me that I am an expanded divine human being and highlighed my self worth. I found it amazing how this process could go right back to when I was still in my mother's womb. It was just before my last session that I found my soul mate. I feel that I've known him and his family before. I am eternally grateful to the couple that referred me to you , Angela. I've always seen the bright side of life but now it is true in every sense."   

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     -Alison N                                           

Angela has helped transform my young family's life. I feel so blessed to have Angela in our lives. Personally speaking Angela has helped me clear physical and mental blocks that helped me love myself again. My life now has a totally  positive, loving, and peaceful path. I've found purpose again and I have been inspired working with Angela. I found a passion for reading and have already read the entire emotion code book. Angela's loving, understanding nature has made it easy to be open and honest during healing sessions. We have been blessed and I thank the universe everyday for leading us to Angela. Thank you from the bottom of my un guarded heart!"

                                                                                                                                                                                                 - R.H.

  "I attend graduate school online and had a final paper due the following day of my session with Angela. I believed with certainty I would be unable to complete this eight page paper I had yet to start let alone in the one day time period left to complete it in. After my session with Angela, I sat down and wrote the entire paper that evening and the next day. Not only did I get a good grade, I got a perfect grade. This in my eyes was truly a miracle produced by working with Angela. I KNOW my life continues to improve in literally every way with each session. I thank her for doing the work she does and feel fortunate for her work on me."

                                                                                                                                                                    Deb Y. (Moffit, ND)


After a couple months of working with Angela I have seen amazing results in my business. Removing blocks and resistances through the Body Code and Emotion Code is definitely a must do to go to the next level in your business and in your life. I have gained more awareness about myself and how I operate so that I can make the necessary change to achieve my goals faster. "

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        - Farida A

    "The healing Angela brought into my life was nothing short of miraculous-you just have to have her work on your body code issues and elimination of your heart wall-fantastic!!! "

                                                                                                                                                                                                             - Eileen H D 

   "I have worked with Angela several times now and it has been a really positive experience. I learned a lot about how the Emotion and Body code can help you; and I was amazed to see the results almost immediately. It is just wonderful! Angela is such a kind and caring person, I highly recommend her to anyone looking for an Emotion and Body code practitioner".

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - Magda A                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

  "  It was an amazing experience Angela, it changed the image that haunted me and I feel that it is now replaced with what you describe below.Profoundly liberating. Thank you. "


Find emotional freedom with energy healing

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